Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

Various jobs IIFCL Nov-2010

IIFCL jobs at
India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL)
(A Government of India Enterprise)
1201-1207, Naurang House, 21, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Published for

India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) is looking for brillian persons with excellent academic record and proven experience for immediate appointment at various levels:
  1. Chief General Manager  : 02 posts on conract basis
  2. General Manager : 04 posts
  3. General Manager  (Chief Financial Officer) : 01  post
  4. Deputy General Manager  (Resources & Treasury) : 01  post
  5. Deputy General Manager  (Risk Management) : 01  post
  6. Deputy General Manager  (IT) : 01  post
  7. Deputy General Manager  (HR) : 01  post
  8. Assistant General Manager  (Credit) : 01  post
  9. Assistant General Manager  (Accounts) : 01  post
  10. Assistant General Manager  (Corporate Communication) : 01  post
  11. Manager  (Accounts) : 01  post 

How to Apply : Eligible candidaes may send their application in the prescribed format to Post Box no.  161502, Hindustan Times, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110001 in a closed cover superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …….….. (Post code) and……… (Post applied)so as to reach on or before 16/11/2010 (23/11/2010 for candidates from far-flung areas)

Please visit for details and application forma.

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