(Established by Govt. of India)
Longowal, Distt. Sangrur - 148106 (Punjab)
Notification No. : 02/2006
Applications are invited on the prescribed format, which is available at our website www.sliet.org for the following positions so as to reach by 15/12/2006.
- Professor : 10 posts (Electronics & Communication Engineering -02, Computer Science & Engineering-03, Chemical Technology - 02, Mechanical Engineering - 03) , Pay Scale : 16400-450-20900-22400/-
- Assistant Professor : 16 posts (Electronics & Communication Engineering -03, Computer Science & Engineering-04, Chemical Technology - 03, Mechanical Engineering - 04, Mathematics-02) , Pay Scale : 12000-420-18300/-
- Lecturers : 18 posts (Chemistry-01, Electronics & Communication Engineering -04, Computer Science & Engineering-04, Chemical Technology - 03, Mechanical Engineering - 06), Pay Scale : 8000-275-13500/-
Qualification : For details abour the qualification please visit the website of the institute.
Application in the prescribed format supported with attested copies of certificate/diplomas/degrees should be addressed to Professor Incharge (Admn.), Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (SLIET), Longowal - 148106, Dist. - Sangrur (Punjab) along with DD of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of Director, SLIET, Longowal (Rs. 50/- in case of ST & PH candidates) so as to reach by the due date. The application form can be either downloaded from the Institute website or obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope worth Rs. 15/- from Professor Incharge (Admn.), SLIET, Longowal, Distt. Sangrur.
Download Application form