SAIL, a Navratna Company in the business of steel with an annual turnover of over Rs. 32,000 crores, is implementing an expansion programme involving project work of building/adding new facilities. SAIL needs young, energetic, result-oriented and promising talent to man front-line executive positions in its Plants/Units.
SAIL invites applications for the posts of Management Trainees (Technical) in the areas of Mechanical/Production, Electrical, Metallurgy, Chemical, Electronics & Telecommunications, Instrumentation, Civil and Ceramics Engineering. The compensation package on the cost to company basis would be around Rs. 4 lakh per annum. The posts are in E-1grade with the scale of pay of Rs.10750-300-16750/- and other allowances and benefits applicable to the grade. Salary revision is due from January 2007.
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in any of the following disciplines: i) Mechanical/Production ii) Electrical iii) Metallurgy iv) Chemical v) Electronics & Telecommunications vi) Instrumentation vii) Civil or viii) Ceramics from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 65% marks in aggregate of all years/semesters (50% in aggregate for SC/ST candidates). Candidates in the final year of Engineering can also apply.
AGE: Born not earlier than November 1, 1976 (Upper age limit of 30 years is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, by 3 years for OBC candidates and by 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates).
SELECTION: Written Examination: Eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type written examination in January 2007.
HOW TO APPLY: Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website: No other means/mode of application shall be accepted. Before registering their applications on the website the candidates should possess the following:
a) Valid e-mail ID.
b) Demand draft of Rs.500/- as examination fee for General and OBC Candidates
c) Demand draft of Rs.150/- as processing fee for SC/ST& PH candidates. SC/ST & PH candidates are required to submit a self-attested copy of Caste/Disability certificate along with Demand Draft. Non-refundable Demand Draft should be made in favour of “STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED” payable at State Bank of India, Service Branch (Code No. 7687), New Delhi. No other financial instrument is acceptable.
The online registration site would be open from 28th November 2006 to 12th December 2006.
After applying online, the candidate is required to download the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details with space for passport size photograph & signature. In order to save the data entered, applicants should click on the “save” button and then print the Registration Slip. The Original Registration Slip, Demand Draft with name duly written on the back of DD and a self-attested copy of Caste/Physically Handicapped certificate (for reserved category only) is to be sent, by ORDINARY POST (since post bag do not accept Registered Posts) to Steel Authority of India Limited, Post Bag No. 10, Lodhi Road Post Office, New Delhi -110003, so as to reach latest by 25th December, 2006. Candidates should take special care NOT to staple the demand draft. The candidate may use a steel pin (if required).
For further details kindly visit