(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)
Uppal Raod, Hyderabad - 500007
Advertisement No. 1/2007
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under the Government of India.
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in prescribed proforma for the following posts to provide core manpower of various specializations to the Laboratory research programmes supported at National and International levels:
- Scientist 'EI'[GRIV(3)] : 5 posts, Age : 40 yrs., Pay Scale : Rs.12000-16500/-
- Scientist 'C' [GRIV(2)] : 4 posts, Age : 35 yrs, Pay Scale : Rs.10000-15200/-
- Scientist 'B' [GRIV(2)] : 9 posts, Age : 35 yrs, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500/-
Application Fee : Application Fee of Rs.100/- in case of OBC / UR candidates, in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, payable at Hyderabad should be enclosed with application form. At the back of the DD indicate your name and date of birth, name ofthe branch of issuing bank.
How to Apply : Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should submit separate application form. The application has to be submitted online followed by sending a copy of the online application bearing the serial number of the online application. The hard copy of the application needs to be signed and supported by attested copies of the certificates alongwith DD should be forwarded to Director, IICT, Hyderabad, on or before 07/09/2007. Filled in application may be sent in an envelope superscribing "Application for the post of .••.••..•• Post Code ..•.••• " To the Recruitment Section, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Tarnaka, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500007 so as to reach on or before 07/09/2007.
Apply Online here complete details alongwith Application form is available at http://www.iictindia.org/latest/jobs/sci_rect.pdf