(Directorate, Medical & Health Services)
Swasthya Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur
Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society, Jaipur invites application for filling in the following posts on contractual basis:
- Assistant Director (ICTC): 01 posts, Pay Rs.15000/- fixed, Qualification: PG Degree in Psychology / Social Work/ Sociology/ Clinical Psychology or M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Medical Microbiology/ Medical Microbiology with 3-year experience in the relevant field, Desirable: Experience in Counselling and Human Development or Experience in Laboratory Services.
- Consultant (Voluntary Blood donation): 01 posts, Pay: Rs.25000/- fixed, Qualification: Recognised PG degree in Social Science/ Sociology/ Social work, Experience: At least 5 years experience in organising voluntary blood donation in VBD organisation. Knowledge of donor motivation, donor recruitment and donor retention.
- Consultant (CST) : 01 post, Pay : Rs.20000/-, Qualification : MD in Medicine/ Peadiatrics with 3 years experience.
- GIPA - Coordinator : 01 post, Pay : Rs.15000/- fixed, Qualification : Graduate. 3 years of experience in HIV related matters. Preference will be given to PLHAs.
- Consultant (Youth Affairs): 01 posts, Pay: Rs.15000/- fixed, Qualification: Masters Degree in Sociology/ Social Work fro ma recognised institution. Member of NSS for 3 years/ C Certificate holder of NCC, Maximum age 25 years.
- Consultant (Civil Society/ Mainstreaming) : 01 post, Pay : Rs.25000/-, Qualification : Masters degree in Sociology/ Social Science from a recognised University/ Institutions. Minimum 10 years experience in NGO/ Govt. Sector.
- Assistant Director (documentation publication) : 01 post, Pay : Rs. 15000/- fixed, Qualification: Bachelors Degree & PG Diploma in Mass Communication/ Public relations from a recognised University/Institute. Min. 5 years exp. in the field of Development/ Health communication including planning and implementation of IEC campaigns and in developing Social Mobilisation Campaigns.
- Assistant Director (Nursing): 01 post Pay: Rs.15000/- fixed, Qualification: B.Sc. in Nursing with Minimum 5 years experience.
- Asst. Director (TI): 01 posts, Pay Rs.15000/- fixed, PG Degree in social science with 5 years of experience.
- Computer - Literate Steno: 03 posts, Pay: Rs.10000/- fixed, Qualification: Graduate with Computer Literacy. Skill in Stenography 80/30 WPM. Maximum age 45 years.
- Procurement Assistant: 01 posts, Pay; Rs.10000/- fixed, Qualification: B.Com. with 5 years experience. Computer Literate. maximum age of 45 years.
Contracts will be initially for one year. A signed declaration to the effect... "I clarify that all information and documents submitted by me are correct and if anything found incorrect, my selection may be cancelled" has to be attached with the application by every applicant including following details :
Performa :
- Name of the Post. 2. Name of Applicant 3. Father's Husband's Name 4. Date of Birth and age on 31/10/07 5. Adress with Phone No. 6. Qualification 7. Experience 8. Any special Qualification/ Experience regarding post applied for 9. Present place of posting 10. Computer Knowledge 11. One Attested photo should be fixed on the application form.
How to Apply: Please enclose attested documentary proofs in your support. Originals have to be produced at the time of interview. Applicants must mention the post applied for and separate application should be made for each post. The application should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope size 9"x4". Application in the prescribed Proforma should be sent to the Project Director, Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society, Swasthya Bhawan, Tilak Marg, 'C' Scheme, Jaipur.
The application should reach the office on or before 31/01/2008.