Department of Medical Education & Research
Government Medical College & Hospital (GMCH),
D Block, Sector-32, Chandigarh
Applications are invited for recruitment for the following posts, from the eligible candidates on contractual basis, in the format :
- Steno-typist : 01 post (Reserved for VH), Pay : Rs. 6400/- consolidated) (initially for a
period of 06 months) - Clerk : 03 posts (Hearing Handicapped-2, Visually Handicapped-1), Pay : Rs. 6000/- consolidated (initially for a period of 06 months)
Age : 18-35 years, relaxation as per rules.
How to Apply : Applications complete in all respect must be sent by ordinary post or by hand in the office of Director Principal, (Room No. 213, Block ‘D’, Hospital Building) Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh on or before 10/03/2008.
Pleasee view for detailed information and application form is available at