Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

Syndicate Bank Officers Clerks vacancy Feb09

Published by Manisha for her blog
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Head Office : Manipal-576104, Karnataka

Syndicate Bank, a Premier Nationalised Bank, invites applications from Indian citizens for the posts indicated here below :

  1. HR/IR Officers in MMGS-II : 55 posts (UR-29, SC-8,ST-4,OBC-14), Pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age : 25-32 years
  2. Probationary Officers in JMGS-I : 1300 posts (UR-657, SC-195, ST-97, OBC-351), Pay Scale : Rs.10000-18240/-, Age : 21-30 years.
  3. Probationary Clerks : 400 posts (UR-231, SC-60,ST-14,OBC-95) in various states, Pay Scale : Rs.4410-13210/-, Age : 18-28 years.

Age relaxation by Govt. rules.

Application Fee : Officers - Rs.200/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH) and Rs.150/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH) Probationary Clerk, should be paid at any branch of the Syndicate Bank in the prescribed payment vouchers. Where there is no branch of Syndicate Bank then can be send in the form of bank DD (saperate for each post) in favour of "Syndicate Bank Recruitment Project -2009" payable at Udupi.

How to Apply: All eligible candidates should apply in the prescribed Application format in A - 4 size paper (11.69” X 8.27”). Application complete in all respect should be sent only by ordinary post in a closed envelope superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______” , On the following address :

  • For Officers : Syndicate Bank Recruitment Project - 2009, Post Box No. 64, Manipal - 576104, Udupi District, Karnataka
  • For Probationary Clerk: Syndicate Bank Recruitment Project - 2009, Post Box No. 105, Udupi-576101, Udupi District, Karnataka

Last Date: The last date of the receipt of the completed application form is 27/02/2009 and for far-flung areas last date is 06/03/2009.

please visit for details and application form.

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