Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

Staff Job in Kururkshetra University Feb09

Published by Manisha for her blog
Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, Haryana

Applications for the following posts are invited on the prescribed Form obtainable alongwith the prescribed qualifications and instructions from the Manager, Printing & Publications, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on payment of Rs. 500/-(Rs. 125/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) in cash at the counter or by post by sending Demand Draft of Rs.550/- (Rs.175/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) drawn in favour of Registrar, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra :

Posts under Budget :
  1. Principal, Univ College : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400
  2. Dental Surgeon : 01 post, Pay Scale: 8000-13500
  3. Medical Officer : 03 posts, Pay Scale: 8000-13500
  4. Transport Supervisor : 01 post, Pay Scale: 5000-7850
  5. Clerk : 70 posts, Pay Scale: 3050-4590+40/- Spl.Pay

Posts under Self-Financing scheme :

  1. Training & Placement Officer : 01 post, Pay Scale: 8000-13500
  2. Senior Technical Assistant : 01 post, Pay Scale: 5500-9000
  3. Junior Technician Grade-I : 02 posts, Pay scale: 5000-7850
  4. Lab. Attendant : 04 posts, Pay Scale: 3050-4590
  5. Clerk : 43 posts, Pay Scale: 3050-4590+40/- Spl.Pay

Age: 18 to 50 years

How to Apply : Application Form complete in all respect should reach the Post Box No. 15, Kurukshetra University Post Office, Kurukshetra latest by ­­­­­­20/02/2009.

Please view for details.

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