Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

BHU Lecturer and other vacancy May09

Published by Manisha for
VARANASI – 221005

Advertisement No - 1/2009-2010) (Code No. - 101)

Last date for receipt of applications : 20/06/2009

Application are invited from the Indian Citizen on the prescribed form for the posts of Lecturers, Registrar, librarian and and Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ Non-teaching posts.

How to Apply : Application in prescribed format must reach the Office of the Registrar (Recruitment & Assessment Cell), Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi - 221005 (India) on or before 20/06/2009

Complete advertisement with details and Application Form is available at

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