Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

Jobs in Repco Bank Sep09

repco-Bank The Repatriates Co-operative Finance and Development Bank Ltd. (Repco)
(Govt. of India Enterprise - Ministry of Home Affairs)

Repco Bank invites applications from Indian Citizens for the posts as follows:
  1. AGM/ DGM (Credit) (MMGS –III / SMGS-IV) : 02 posts
  2. AGM/ DGM (Information Technology) (MMGS –III / SMGS-IV) : 02 posts
  3. AGM/ DGM (Accounts) (MMGS –III / SMGS-IV) : 02 posts
  4. Chief Relationship Manager (Marketing) (MMGS –III / SMGS-IV) : 01 post

Scales : Scale –III - Rs.18240-560/5-21040-620/2–Rs.22280, Scale -IV Rs. 20480-560/1-21040-620/5–Rs.24140
How to Apply : Application complete in all respects should be sent in a closed envelope superscribed “For the post of ______” to the following address on or before 30/09/2009 :
The Joint General Manager (THRD), Repco Bank Ltd., P.B.No.1449, Door No.33, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai – 600017
Please view for details and application form.