(An Autonomous Institution under Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
Dilshad Garden (Near GTB Hospital), Delhi-110095
Walk-in-Interview will be held on 24/06/2011 at 2.00 P.M. in the Chamber of Director, IHBAS for filling up the following post on contract basis:
- Radiographer : 01 post
- Occupational Therapist: 01 post
- OT Technician: 02 posts
- Medical Record Technician: 03 posts
- Psycho-Clinic-cum-Lab. Assistant: 01 post
- Library Assistant Grade-III : 01 post
- Junior Physiotherapist: 02 posts
How to Apply: The interested eligible candidate holding the qualification, and experience may come with bio-data, neatly typed on A-4 paper, affixed with a passport size colour photograph and a Demand Draft for Rs. 150/- (exempted for SC and ST candidates) drawn in favour of the Director, IHBAS, Delhi-95. While coming for the interview candidates should bring all the original documents for verification. No TA/DA will be allowed for appearing in the interview