(Deemed University)
P.B. No.2900, Hosur Road, Bangaluru - 560029, India
Published @https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
Advertisement No.NIMH/PER(6)/RECT/ADVT–8/2014
NIMHANS Invites applications for the following vacant posts, in the prescribed form from the Indian Nationals residing in India and abroad:
- Staff Nurse : 54 posts (UR-29, OBC-16, SC-10, ST-3)
- Junior Technician : 18 posts (UR-9, OBC-4, SC-5)
- Lower Division Clerk : 26 posts (UR-10, OBC-12, SC-2, ST-2)
Recruitment by Online Recruitment Test on 01/03/2015.
How to Apply : Apply Online at NIMHANS website from 17/01/2015 to 06/02/2015 only.
For detailed information and application format, please visit http://nimhans.kar.nic.in/notifications.htm (Bottom)