Gujarat Forensic Sciences University (GFSU)
Sector - 18/A Near Police Bhavan, Gandhinagar - 382007, Gujarat
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Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, a highly specialized State University invites application in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for the following Teaching & Non Teaching Posts :
Sector - 18/A Near Police Bhavan, Gandhinagar - 382007, Gujarat
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Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, a highly specialized State University invites application in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for the following Teaching & Non Teaching Posts :
- Director – Research & Development, Forensic Science / Behavioural Science/Training
- Professor - Forensic Science, Cyber Security, Homeland Security, Pharmacy, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Science / Management, Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Food Science & Technology, Forensic Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology
- Associate Professor - Forensic Science, Cyber Security, Homeland Security, Pharmacy, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Science / Management, Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Food Science & Technology, Forensic Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology
- Assistant Professor - Homeland Security, Forensic Odontology, Finance & Forensic Accounting, Forensic Biotechnology, Child Psychology, Cyber Psychology
- Controller of Examination
- Asst. Librarian
- Accounts Officer
- Store – Purchase Officer
- Assistant/Dy. Manager – HR & Training
- Senior Assistant
- Store – Purchase & Sub Accountant
How to Apply : Interested candidates should apply in prescribed form with detailed resume and list of recent publications, projects up to 21/03/2016 to: The Registrar, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar.
Please visit for detailed information and application format.
Please visit for detailed information and application format.