(A Central University established by an Act of Parliament)
Suryamaninagar (Aagartala) - 799130 (Tripura)
Published by https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
Employment Notification No. TU/03/2016 for Faculty positions
Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited for filling up the following Faculty posts in various subjects / disciplines in various Departments of Tripura University :
- Professor : 35 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400 - 67000 (PB-4) plus AGP of Rs. 10000/-
- Associate Professor : 36 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400 - 67000 (PB-4) plus AGP of Rs. 9000/-
- Assistant Professor : 32 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15000 - 39100 (PB-3) plus AGP of Rs. 6000/-
Application Fee : A draft of Rs.300/- (SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates exempted) drawn in favour of the Registrar, Tripura University payable at S.B.I., Tripura University campus branch (Code 10495).
How to Apply : This is a rolling advertisement for faculty positions in Tripura University, however application received till 30th June 2016 will be considered for this round of recruitment. The application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Registrar, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar-799130 on or before 30/06/2016.
Please view http://www.tripurauniv.in/index.php/employment-notification for more information and application form.