(A Central University)
Rono Hills, Doimukh, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
Published at https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
Rs. 400/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112, payable at Vijaya Bank, Arunachal University Branch.
The filled in application form in prescribed format in quadruplicate with detail dossiers along with recent passport size of photographs pasted in each application form is to be submitted in a sealed cover super scribed with “Post Applied for and Department”, to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112 on or before 12/07/2017.
Please visit http://rgu.ac.in/jobsatrgu.html for further information like educational qualification, age, experience etc and Application Form Proforma.
(A Central University)
Rono Hills, Doimukh, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
Published at https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
Faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy in RGU Itanagar
Applications in prescribed pro forma are invited for filling up of the following Faculty positions in various Departments in Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU):Vacancies :
- Professor: 10 posts in various
- Associate Professor: 11 posts
- Assistant Professor: 11 posts
Application Fee :
Rs. 400/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112, payable at Vijaya Bank, Arunachal University Branch.
How to Apply :
The filled in application form in prescribed format in quadruplicate with detail dossiers along with recent passport size of photographs pasted in each application form is to be submitted in a sealed cover super scribed with “Post Applied for and Department”, to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112 on or before 12/07/2017.
Details and Application Format :
Please visit http://rgu.ac.in/jobsatrgu.html for further information like educational qualification, age, experience etc and Application Form Proforma.