Special Drive for PWD Category in HPSEB
Applications on prescribed format are invited for filling up the following backlog posts for PWD candidates purely on regular basis in Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB), Vidyut Bhavan, Shimla - 171004 (HP) :
- Jr. Engineer (Electrical) : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs, 10900-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4350
- Steno Typist : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 6400-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2300/-
Applicant must be a bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh.
Age : 18-45 years. Relaxation in age as per rules.
How to Apply?
Application in the prescribed format should reach the Executive Director (Pers.), Vidyut Bhawan, HPSEB, Shimla - 4, Himachal Pradesh on or before 15/03/2017 (31/03/2017 for the candidates residing in Tribal and difficult areas.)
Details and Application Format
Please visit http://www.hpseb.com for details and application format OR download the details and application format.