Probationary Officer Recruitment by Bank of Baroda Manipal PG Certificate

On successful completion of the course within the stipulated time period, the candidate would be awarded a Post Graduate Certificate in Banking & Finance and will be offered appointment in the Bank of Baroda as Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade / Scale-I for 2017-18 :
Probationary Officer Vacancy :
- Probationary Officers (PO) : 400 posts (UR- 202, OBC-108, SC-60, ST-30) in JMGS-I Scales, Age : 20-28 years as on 01/04/2017, Qualification : Degree (Graduation) with minimum 55% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in any discipline from a recognized University OR any equivalent qualification as such recognized by Central Government.
Application Fee :
Rs. 750/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online through their Debit card or Credit card only.
Written Examination : on 27/05/2017 (tentative).
How to Apply :
Eligible candidates are advised to apply 'Online' only at Bank of Baroda website from 01/04/2017 to 01/05/2017 only.
Details and Application format :
Please visit for detailed information, payment voucher and a link to Apply Online.