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ISRO Satellite Centre job vacancy 2017

ISRO Satellite Centre job vacancy  

ISRO Naukri  Vacancy Recruitment
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) is the lead centre of  Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under Department of Space, Government of India for satellite technology. ISAC is responsible for conceptualisation, design, testing, launch and in-orbit management of spacecraft.    ISAC   invites online applications for the following job vacancies (Advt. No. 03/2017 Part-1 and Part-2)   :


  1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF) : 58 posts
  2. Research Associate (RA) : 14 posts
  3. Technical Assistant (Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication) :  02 posts
  4. Technical Assistant (Computer Science / Information Technology) :  01 post
  5. Technical Assistant (Mechanical) :  01 post
  6. Scientific Assistant (Computer Science/ Information Technology) : 01 post
  7. Scientific Assistant (Physics/ Applied Physics) : 03 posts
  8. Scientific Assistant – A (Multimedia) : 01 post
  9. Technician ‘B’ (Electrician) : 02 posts
  10. Technician ‘B’ (Information Technology / Information &  Communication Technology System Maintenance / Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance) : 01 post

Naukri Vacancy Recruitment ISAC ISRO

How to apply? 

The application for on-line registration is hosted in the ISRO web-site between 23/10/2017 and 17/11/2017.    Send  hard  copy  of  online  application  summary  with  signature and colour photograph pasted in the appropriate column along with attested true copies of the testimonials such as Mark sheets and certificates of Educational Qualification,  Age  Proof,  etc.  to  the  following  address superscribing  the  Advertisement  Number,  Post  Code, Name of the Post and Registration Number on the Front side of the cover and should  reach on or before  30/11/2017 through post only to the Administrative Officer,   Recruitment Section (P & GA),  Building No. 30-D,  ISRO Space Applications Centre (ISAC), Ambawadi Vistar P.O., Ahmedabad - 380015 (Gujarat)

Details and Online Application Submission 

Please visit for further information and complete details and online submission of application.  (Kindly  HTTPS  and apply HTTP only the link is not working) Published at

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