Child Development Project Officer Recruitment by Himachal PSC
- Lecturer (Sanskrit) : 01 post in Samhita, Siddhanta and Sanskrit (Basic Principle), Department of Ayurveda, HP
- Law Officer (English) : 05 posts in Department of Personnel (Secretariat Administrative Services) H.P. Secretariat
- Law Officer : 01 post in Department of Labour & Employment, H.P.
- Assistant District Attorney : 24 posts in Department of Home (Prosecution), H.P.
Application Fee
₹400/- (₹100/- of SC/ST/OBC/General BPL of HP) through ‘e-Challan’ or through ‘ePayment’ option.
How to Apply?
Apply Online at HP PSC website on or before 21/05/2018 only.
Detailed information and online application
Please visit Notification Section of HP PSC website at for details and online submission of application. Published for