Recruitment for Engineers in BMRCL
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL), a joint venture of Government of India and
Government of Karnataka is the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of Bangalore Metro Rail system.
Bangalore Metro Rail BMRCL invites application in the online vacancy applications form from qualified and experienced personnel for appointment to following 20 Govt. Job Engineering positions in the Project Wing. All appointments proposed will be on contract basis only :
- Engineering Position in Project Wing: 20 posts, last date to apply and send hard copy is 06/10/2018.
- Deputy Chief Engineer (Civil) - Age: 55 years for experienced personnel, Experience: 15 years, Consolidated Pay: Rs. 122630/- PM for experienced personnel
- Executive Engineer (Civil) - Age: 50 years for experienced personnel, Experience: 12 years, Consolidated Pay: Rs. 67430/- PM for experienced personnel
- Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) - Age: 40 years for experienced personnel, Experience: 08 years, Consolidated Pay: Rs. 55860/- PM for experienced personnel
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) - Age: 35 years for experienced personnel, Experience: 05 years, Consolidated Pay: Rs. 48280/- PM for experienced personnel
- Section Engineer: 26 posts for 3-year contract, Age: 35 years for experienced personnel, Experience: 03 years, 05 years for Diploma holders, Consolidated Pay: Rs. 35910/-, last date to apply and send hard copy is 11/10/2018.
How to Apply?
Apply Online at BMRC website and take a print out of the same and forward along with relevant documents in support of qualification and experience to the General Manager (HR), Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited, IIIrd Floor, BMTC Complex, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore 560027 superscribing the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ……………”. Last date for receipt of applications is as per given above.
Details and online Submission of application
Please visit for details and online application format. Published @