Ministry of Home Affair
Published by https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
Recruitment of Sportsperson as Constables (GD) in BSF
Applications are invited from male Indian citizens meritorious sportsperson for the following Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Constable (General Duty) in BSF against sports quota in various sports disciplines. The candidates may send their applications in the prescribed format :
BF Sports vacancy 2019 for Constable
- Constable (GD): 63 posts (all Male) in various sports disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 21700, Age: 18 to 23 years as of 01/08/2019, Qualification: Matriculation / 10th class pass or its equivalent.
Method of selection
For all the vacancies selection will be based on test/trial.
How to Apply for Constable Sports quota recruitment in BSF 2019?
Application on prescribed format should be sent within 30 days of publication of advertisement (published on 07/01/2019 i.e. last date is 05/02/2019) to The Commandant, 95 Bn BSF, Bhondsi, PO - Bhondsi, District Gurugram, Haryana - 122102.
Detailed information and application format
For more information and application form, please view http://bsf.nic.in/doc/recruitment/r0101.pdf