Recruitment of Engineers as Dy. Managers in BEL Chennai
Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) a Navaratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company requires outstanding Engineers Govt. Job Vacancy on Contract basis for Five Years on fixed tenure basis for its Chennai Unit, Tamil Nadu and hence BEL Chennai invites online applications on prescribed recruitment form from outstanding Engineers as Dy. Managers :
Engineer Vacancies at BEL Chennai
- Dy. Manager (Engineers): 15 vacancies (Electronics-6, Mechanical-7, Computer Science-2), Age: 27 years, Pay Scale: regular pay scale of Rs. 40000-140000, Qualification: BE/B.Tech. in Computer Science/ Computer Science and Engineering from any recognised university or AICTE approved Institution with First Class for GEN/OBC/EWS, and Pass Class for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
How to Apply for BEL Chennai vacancies?
Apply online on prescribed application format at BEL Recruitment website on or before 11/06/2019 only.