Staff Vacancy Recruitment in Border Road Organisation (BRO)
Applications on the prescribed form format are invited for filling up and recruitment to the following 778 latest sarkari naukri vacancy positions in the General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) of Border Road Organisation (BRO) from Indian (Male) Nationals only. (Advertisement No. 01/2019) SarkariNaukriBlog dot com:
GREF BRO Staff Vacancies
- Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade) : 388 vacancies (UR-159, OBC-104, EWS-38, SC-58, ST-29)
- Electrician : 101 vacancies (UR-42, OBC-27, EWS-10, SC-15, ST-7)
- Vehical Mechanic : 92 vacancies (UR-40, OBC-24, EWS-9, SC-13, ST-6)
- Multi Skilled Worker (Cook) : 197 vacancies (UR-81, OBC-53, EWS-20, SC-29, ST-14)
Test center : Recruitment for all the post will be carried out at GREF Centre, Dighi Camp, Pune - 411015 only.
Application Fee
Candidates must pay the application fee (Non-Refundable) Rs.50/- (no fee for SC/ST candidates), to be deposited directly in favour of Commandant, GREF Centre, Pune 411015, in Public Fund Account No. 11182905409 of State Bank of India, Khadki Branch Pune Code No. 01629. The candidate must attach the counterfoil of the application fees so deposited through Core Banking System with his application form.
How to Apply for Vacancies in GREF BRO?
All applications in the prescribed format quoting this advertisement number and post applied for should be submitted so as to reach to Commandant, GREF CENTRE, Dighi Camp, Pune - 411015 through Registered post along with acknowledgement. COMMANDER, GREF CENTRE, DIGHI CAMP, PUNE- 411 015 within 45 days (60 days for candidates from far-flung areas) i.e up to 19/07/2019 (02/08/2019 for the candidates from far-flung areas). Candidates are required to super scribe the word "Application for the post of ………….." category .UR/OBC/ SC/ST on the top of the envelope while sending the application form.
Details and Application format
For more information like educational qualification, medical standards, fitness test, selection procedure, Application Form, instruction to filling the form etc., please visit BRO recruitment website at, detailed advertisement and Application Form is available at this webpage.