WB PSC Livestock Development Assistant Vacancy Recruitment
The Public Service Commission, West Bengal will hold the Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the following sarkari naukri vacancy posts of Livestock Development Assistant in the Animal Resources Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal 2019 on the results of which recruitment will be made to the posts of Livestock Development Assistant (Advt. No. 11/2019) :
Livestock Development Assistant Vacancies
- Livestock Development Assistant: 200 vacancies in the Animal Resources Development Department, Government of West Bengal, Pay Scale: (PB-2) Rs. 5400-25200 grade pay Rs. 2600/-, Age: 40 years as on 01/01/2019
Application Fee
Rs. 110/- to be paid online. SC/ST/PWD candidates not required to pay the application fee.
How to Apply at West Bengal PSC Vacancies?
Apply Online in the prescribed application format at West Bengal PSC Recruitment website from 14/05/2019 to 03/06/2019 only.
Details and Online Submission of Application
Please visit https://www.pscwbonline.gov.in/apps/home/index.html for detailed information and application form.