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MMRDA Recruitment for MMMOCL Executive Vacancy 2019

Executive Vacancy Recruitment in MMMOCL by MMRDA  

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) was established on 26th January 1975.  MMRDA invites application in the prescribed format from Indian citizens having the necessary qualification and experience for engagement/recruitment of various 25 Executive Government Job vacancy in Maha Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation Limited (MMMOCL), (a Government of Maharashtra PSU) for Mumbai Metro Rail Operation requirements on a permanent basis through Direct Selection or on Deputation.   Published at

Recruitment for 1053 Non-Executive Government Jobs in MMMOCL by MMRDA also open till 7th October 2019.

MMOCL Executive Vacancy by MMRDA

MMOCL Executive Vacancies   

  1. Dy. General Manager (Operation) : 01 vacancy
  2. Dy. General Manager (Rolling Stock) : 01 vacancy
  3. Dy. General Manager (PST) : 01 vacancy
  4. Dy. General Manager (Electrical & Maintenance) : 01 vacancy
  5. Dy. General Manager (S & T): 01 vacancy
  6. Dy. General Manager (Civil ) : 01 vacancy
  7. Manager (Commercial) : 01 vacancy
  8. Manager (Security) : 01 vacancy
  9. Manager (Safety) : 01 vacancy
  10. Manager (Stores) : 01 vacancy
  11. Manager (HR) : 01 vacancy
  12. Asst. Manager (Station Operation) : 02 vacancies
  13. Asst. Manager (OCC) : 01 vacancy
  14. Asst. Manager (Rolling Stock) : 02 vacancies
  15. Asst. Manager (PST) : 02 vacancies
  16. Asst. Manager (Electrical & Maintenance) : 02 vacancies
  17. Asst. Manager (S&T) : 03 vacancies
  18. Asst. Manager (P/Way) : 02 vacancies 

How to Apply for MMMOCL Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2019 by MMRDA? 

Prospective candidates should send their application in the prescribed application form in a sealed envelope superscribed as “Applications for the post” and should reach on or before 27/09/2019 at the office of Managing Director, Maha Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation Limited, 4th Floor, Namtree Building, Adjoining New MMRDA Building, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400051 and scanned copy of the application along with the scanned attested copies of all relevant documents (PDF only) on the email id:

Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be called for personal interview on 10,11,12,13 October 2019.

Further Information and online  application

For further information and application format for MMMOCL Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2019 by MMRDA, please visit    

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