Recruitment of Jr. Overman Vacancy in Central Coalfields 2020
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), a Mini Ratna Company in the energy sector of the country, invites online application on prescribed format for recruitment and filling up of the following Government Job vacancies of Junior Overman in Central Coalfields Ltd. (Advertisement No. CCL/Recruitment/Adv.-Stat./092019/01). This advertisement is re-opened.
Central Coalfields Junior Overman Recruitment Vacancies
- Junior Overman: 75 vacancies (UR-12, OBC-03, EWS-02, SC-03, ST-07, Backlog (ST)-48), Age : 18-30 years as on 10/11/2019, Stipend and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be inducted as Junior Overman (Trainee) in T & S Grade C with initial basic pay of Rs.31852.56 under National Coal Wage Agreement (NCWA)-X and will remain on training for one year
Application Fee
Application Fee of Rs 200/- from General, EWS and OBC candidates only through the Online Mode or by the generation of Challan & thereby deposition of the Application Fee at any SBI Branch.
How to Apply Central Coalfields Junior Overman Recruitment?
Apply online on prescribed format at Central Coalfields Limited website from
Candidates should send the Print-out of the application form submitted Online along with all the relevant documents in a sealed envelope to “The General Manager (Recruitment), Recruitment Department, 2nd Floor, Damodar Building, Central Coalfields Limited, Darbhanga House, Ranchi-834001” preferably through Registered Post/Speed post so as to reach on or before
Details and Online Application
Kindly visit for further information and online Application form format for Central Coalfields Junior Overman Recruitment 2020.