Himachal Pradesh Judicial Service Competitive Examination-II 2019
Himachal PSC Civil Judges vacancies
- Civil Judges: 11 vacancies (Existing Vacancies-07, Anticipated Vacancies-04), Age: 22-35 years as on 05/01/2020, Qualification: candidate must be a holder of a degree in Law as recognized by the Bar Council of India, Pay Scale: ₹27700- 44770
Application Fee
₹400/- (₹100/- of SC/ST/OBC/General BPL of HP) through ‘e-Challan’ or through ‘ePayment’ option.
How to Apply for HP Judicial Service Examination-II 2019?
Apply Online on the prescribed application form at the HP PSC website from 15/12/2019 to 05/01/2019 only for Himachal Judicial Service Competitive Examination-II 2019.
After filling up the Application form, download the same and take the print on A-4 size paper and dispatch along with documents to “Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla - 171002” on or before 13/01/2019. The candidates should also write the name of the examination viz. “Himachal Pradesh Judicial Services Examination, 2019-II" on the envelope before dispatching it to “The Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Public Service The commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla -171002”
Detailed information and online application
Please visit the Notification Section of the HP PSC website at http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc/ for details and online submission of application Himachal Judicial Service Competitive Examination-II 2019.