Recruitment of Parliamentary Reporter Job Vacancy in Loksabha
Applications on prescribed format are invited from eligible Indian citizens for filling up of the following Government Job vacancies for the post of Parliamentary Reporter in Lok Sabha Secretariat on Direct Recruitment basis (Advertisement no. 2/2019). SarkariNaukriBlog dot com
Loksabha Parliamentary Reporter Recruitment 2019-20 Vacancies
- Parliamentary Reporter: 21 vacancies (UR-09, EWS-03, OBC-05, SC-02, ST-02) (PH-1) (Hindi Stream-9, English Stream-12), Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 Rs. 56100-177500, Age: 40 years, Qualification: Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognised University and shorthand speed of 160 words per minute in English/Hindi.
How to Apply Parliamentary Reporter Job Vacancy Recruitment in Loksabha 2019-20?
Application in the prescribed format should be sent on or before 28/01/2020 to Recruitment Branch, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Room No. 521, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi - 110001 for Parliamentary Reporter Job Vacancy Recruitment in Loksabha 2019-20.
Details and application format
Complete information along with application format is available at