Field Engineer and Supervisor Vacancy Recruitment in Power Grid WRTS-II 2019
Western Region Transmission System-I (WRTS-II) of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) having headquartered in Vadodara invites online applications from bright, committed & energetic candidates for filling up following 53 Government Job vacancy positions of Field Engineers and Supervisors in Electrical and Civil Engineering disciplines on a contract for fixed tenure basis for its TBCB (Tariff Based Competitive Bidding) work of Bhuj-II Transmission Ltd., Bhind - Guna Transmission Ltd. and Railway Electrification Work in Western Region-II. (Advt. No. : Advt. No. WR-II/FTB/2019/02). SarkariNaukriBlog dot com
The engagement shall be purely on a temporary & contractual basis for a period of 24 months initially or till completion of the project, whichever is earlier.
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL), the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India, one of the largest Transmission Utilities in the World and a Navratna Enterprise of Govt. of India is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, coordination, supervision, and control over complete inter-State transmission system.
Power Grid Western Region WRTS-II Vadodara Field Supervisor 2019 Vacancies
- Field Engineer (Electrical) : 10 vacancies
- Field Engineer (Civil) : 06 vacancies
- Field Supervisor (Electrical) : 27 vacancies
- Field Supervisor (Civil) : 06 vacancies
- Field Supervisor (E&C) : 01 vacancy
Age : 29 years as on 22/12/2019
- Field Engineer - Monthly remuneration in the pay band of ₹30000-3%-120000, with initial basic pay of ₹30000 + Industrial DA + HRA + Perks @ 35% of basic pay.
- Fied Supervisor - Contract personnel will be paid monthly remuneration in the pay band of ₹23000-3%-105000/- with initial basic pay of ₹23000/- + Industrial DA + HRA + Perks @35 % of basic pay.
Application Fee
₹400/- for the post of Field Engineers and ₹300/- for the post Field Supervisors to be paid online. SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.
Apply Online Field Engineer Supervisor Recruitment in Power Grid WRTS-II 2019
Apply Online on prescribed format from 12/12/2019 to 22/12/2019 at Power Grid Corporation Website only for Field Engineer and Supervisor Recruitment in Power Grid Western Region-II Vadodara 2019.
Details and Application Format
Please visit at Power Grid website => Careers => Job Opportunities => Regional Openings => WR-II Recruitment ==> Contractual Positions and then “Recruitment for the post of FE/FS in WRII on Contract Basis” for details and online application for Field Engineer and Supervisor Recruitment in Power Grid Western Region-II Vadodara 2019.