Scientist Vacancy Recruitment in NAL Bengaluru 2020
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL), Bengaluru is looking for bright, talented, qualified Engineering Professionals having a brilliant academic record, high level of motivation and zeal for innovative research as Scientists to participate in the exciting task of Aerospace R&D, Technology Development and related applications. Experience and proven qualities of scientific/technical leadership are also required (Advt. No. 6/2020) SarkariNaukriBlog dot com
CSIR-NAL invites online applications in the prescribed format for Senior Scientists and Scientists in various disciplines in the area of Design, Development, Testing & Evaluation of various Systems / Subsystems and Project Management.
CSIR NAL Bengaluru Scientist Vacancy 2020 - Table of Content
About NAL Bengaluru
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bengaluru, is a premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), an Autonomous Body in the Ministry of Science & Technology under the Government of India. In addition to many Research, Development and Technology Programmes in Aerospace, NAL is actively involved in supporting the National Aerospace Programmes of ADA, DRDO, ISRO, HAL and IAF, etc. NAL is also exploiting several aerospace technologies into spin-off industrial applications. It has excellent facilities in all aerospace disciplines.
CSIR NAL Scientist Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Senior Scientist: 10 vacancies, Age Limit: 37 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 as per 7th CPC starting emoluments ₹119000, Experience : 3 years
- Scientist: 03 vacancies, Age Limit: 32 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 as per 7th CPC starting emoluments ₹103100
Selection Method
Recruitment will be done by calling suitable and eligible shortlisted candidates to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview/ written test etc.
Application Fee
A Non-refundable application fee of ₹100/- is payable separately for each post (candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD, Women and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee) in the form of Online payment
How to Apply NAL Bengaluru Scientist Vacancy 2020?
Apply Online on prescribed format at NAL Bengaluru Recruitment website from 27/05/2020 to 06/07/2020 only for CSIR NAL Scientist Vacancy Recruitment 2020. Then, take a print out of the duly filled application, enclose all the testimonials, certificates, etc. and send the same by post addressed to The Controller of Administration, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, P.B.No.1779, HAL Airport Road, Kodihalli, Bengaluru - 560017. The complete application with all the documents should reach CSIR-NAL by 06/05/2020.
Details and online submission of application
For further information and online submission of NAL Scientist Vacancies 2020, please visit