Finance Job Vacancy Recruitment in AIASL 2020
AI Airport Services Limited (AIASL) (formerly known as Air India Air Transport Services Limited) invites applications from Indian Nationals who meet with the requirements for the following Finance domain vacancy job posts on a Fixed Term Contract basis which may be renewed subject to their performance and the requirement of the AI Airport Services Limited to fill-in the existing vacancies and to maintain a wait-list for vacancies arising in future. SarkariNaukriblog
AIASAL Contract Job Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Chief Finance Officer: 01 vacancies (Delhi), Emoluments: ₹120000/- per month, No age limit
- Dy. Chief Finance Officer: 01 vacancies (Delhi), Emoluments: ₹100000/- per month, No age limit
- Manager-Finance: 01 vacancies (Chennai), Emoluments: ₹50000/- per month, Age: 28 years for freshers only.
- Officer- Accounts :04 vacancies (Delhi-2, Chennai-2), Emoluments: ₹32200/- per month, Age : 30 years
- Assistant - Accounts: 10 vacancies (Delhi-4, Chennai-1, Kolkata-5), Emoluments: ₹21300/- per month, Age; 28 years
How to Apply AIASL Finance Job vacancies 2020?
The Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria are required to forward applications as per prescribed format on email: on or before 18/06/2020 for Finance Job Vacancy Recruitment in AIASL 2020 on a contract basis.
Details and application format
Please visit for details and application format for Finance Job Vacancy Recruitment in AIASL 2020.