Recruitment for Junior Mate and Helper Job Vacancy in HPSEB
Applications on prescribed format are invited for filling up the following 1892 Government Job posts for following job vacancy of Junior T/Mate and Junior Helper in Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB), Vidyut Bhavan, Shimla - 171004 (HP) on contract basis on the fixed remuneration of Rs.8150/- per month. (Advertisement No. 02/2020) SarkariNaukriBlog
- Junior T-Mate: 1500 vacancies
- Junior Helper (Sub-Station): 392 vacancies
Qualification: 10th or Matric or equivalent pass with ITI certificate in Wireman/Electrician
How to Apply HPSEB Junior Mate and Helper Job Vacancy 2020?
Application in the prescribed format should reach the Chief Engineer (Operation), North, Kangra at Dharamshala OR at Chief Engineer (Operation), Central Zone, Mandi OR at Chief Engineer (Operation), South, Shimla on or before 20/07/2020.
Details and Application Format
Please visit for details and application format for HPSEB Junior Mate and Helper Job Vacancy 2020