Recruitment of Project Trainee Engineer Officer in BEL Pune 2020
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna Public Sector Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company require Project Trainee Engineers and Officers on a short term basis for its Manufacturing Unit located at NDA Road, Pashan, Pune.
Application on prescribed format for these government job vacancies of Project Trainee Engineer and Officers Recruitment in BEL Pune 2020 are invited by 15th Sept. 2020. SarkariNaukriBlog dot com
BEL Pune Officer Engineer Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Trainee Engineer-I/Officer-I: 11 vacancies (UR-7, OBC-2, EWS-1, SC-1) (Electronics-2, Mechanical-4, Electrical-1, Civil-2, MBA Finance-2), Age: 25 years, Experience: 01 years, Remuneration: Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of ₹25000/-, ₹28000/-and ₹31000/- for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of contract respectively.
- Project Engineer-I/Officer-I: 07 vacancies (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1) (Electronics-3, Mechanical-3, MBA/MSW HR-1), Age: 28 years, Experience: 02 years, Remuneration: Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of ₹35000/-, ₹40000/-, ₹45000/- and ₹50000/- for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and 4th year of contract respectively.
Application Fee
The application fee for the post of Project Engineer / Officer is ₹500/- and ₹200/- for Trainee Engineer / Officer to be remitted by DD in favour of “Bharat Electronics Limited” payable at Pune is required to be attached along with the application. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
How to Apply Project Engineer Recruitment in BEL Pune 2020?
Stage-1: Candidates meeting the suitable criteria shall e-mail “the Scanned Copy of filled in application” clearly mentioning the post for which he/she is applying and the information in Excel file (.xls/.xlxs only, format not to be altered or convert it in PDF while sending email) in the prescribed format available to
Stage-2: After email as per stage -1, Candidates are required to send the hard copy of the duly filled in application form & Excel file print out (as e-Mailed) & Demand Draft along with the self-attested photocopies of the documents immediately by Speed Post only to Sr. Dy. General Manager (HR&A), Bharat Electronics Limited, N.D.A.Road, Pashan, Pune- 411021, Maharashtra State on or before 15/09/2020.
View - Government Jobs for Engineers in various organisations/departments
Details and Application Format
Please visit for details and online application format for Trainee and Project Engineer Recruitment in BEL Pune 2020.