FSL Delhi Sr. Scientific Recruitment 2020 Assistant Vacancies
- Sr. Scientific Assistant (Photo): 08 vacancies (OBC-06, SC-01, ST-01), Remuneration: ₹ 41418/- per month consolidated, Walk-in-interview on 06/10/2020, Age: 30 years, 65 years for retired experts
Walk-In-Interviews will be held at Forensic Science Laboratory, Sector-14, Rohini, New Delhi-110085 on the dates mentioned from 10.00 A.M (06/10/2020). Interview of candidates for the contract will be held as per the schedule mentioned
How to Apply for Scientific Assistant in FSL Delhi 2020?
Suitable candidates may submit the duly filled application in Forensic Science Laboratory, Sector-14, Rohini, New Delhi latest by 01/10/2020 till 05.00 P.M. Candidates can also send their duly filled applications up to the date and time mentioned above, through e-mail at dirfsl.delhi@gov.in (on the date of the interview the candidate should accompany with the original application also)
Details and application format
Please visit Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Delhi website http://fsl.delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/connect/doit_fsl/fsl/home/ to view the details and application form for Sr. Scientific Assistant Recruitment in Delhi Forensic Science Laboratory 2020.