ICMR Scientist-B Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
Special Recruitment Drive for Backlog Vacancies for SC/ST Category
- Scientist-B: 10 vacancies for SC Category (Medical-5, Non-Medical-5)
- Scientist-B: 06 vacancies for ST Category (Medical-3, Non-Medical-3)
Regular Recruitment
- Scientist-B: 51 vacancies for General/UR Category (Medical-26, Non-Medical-25)
- Scientist-B: 12 vacancies for EWS Category (Medical-6, Non-Medical-6)
- Scientist-B: 34 vacancies for OBC Category (Medical-17, Non-Medical-17)
- Scientist-B: 19 vacancies for SC Category (Medical-10, Non-Medical-9)
- Scientist-B: 09 vacancies for ST Category (Medical-5, Non-Medical-4)
- * Total PWD vacancies out of above: 05
Pay Scale: level-10 in the 7th CPC Pay matrix ₹56100-177500
Age: 35 years
Application Fee
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) are exempted from payment of a fee, SC/ST/EWS/Women candidates, the application fee is ₹1500/- plus Transaction Charges as applicable and for all others, the application fee is ₹ 2000/- plus Transaction Charges as applicable. All payment to be made online using Debit/ Credit Card/ Net Banking.
How to Apply for ICMR Scientist-B vacancy Recruitment 2020?
Desirous and suitable candidates should apply online on prescribed format in the prescribed format from 12/09/2020 to 02/10/2020 only on ICMR recruitment website only for Scientist-B vacancy recruitment 2020 in ICMR.
- Important - There are many Scientist vacancy recruitments recently, view all
Details and application format
Please visit https://www.icmr.gov.in for details and online application format for ICMR Scientist-B vacancy Recruitment 2020.