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UNDP Job vacancies in Karnataka KSRLPS 2020

UNDP Job Vacancies
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) invites online application form from professionals to be placed with the Department of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood to provide technical support to the National Rural Economic Transformation Project implemented in the State of Karnataka by Sanjeevini-Karnataka State Rural Livelihood Promotion Society ( KSRLPS).

The team of professionals (at the level of Block Technical Coordinator, Coordinator, Technical Experts, Associates, Project Managers etc.) are expected to bring expertise in areas of rural livelihoods, institutional capacity building and women's economic empowerment to help realize the state's poverty reduction agenda.

UNDP India Job KSRLP Recruitment 2020 Positions

  1. State Mission Management Unit: 17 vacancies
  2. District Mission Management Unit: 03 vacancies
  3. Block Mission Management Unit: 78 vacancies 

How to Apply UNDP Job vacancies in KSRLPS 2020?  

Get detail and Apply Online at UNDP India website at on or before 21/09/2020 only.

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