Scientist Vacancy Recruitment in NCCS 2020
National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune is an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, and is looking for Recruitment of Scientists and visionary academic leaders with an outstanding record of research accomplishments. (Advertisement No. 03/2020 )
NCCS invites application in the prescribed format for the following Sarkari Naukri vacancy position of Scientist at various levels and different disciplines. SarkariNaukriBlog dot com
ISRO NCCS Scientist Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Scientist ‘G’: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14 as per 7th CPC, Age: 58 years
- Scientist ‘D’: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 as per 7th CPC, Age: Not exceeding 45 years
- Scientist ‘D’: 03 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 as per 7th CPC, Age: Not exceeding 45 years
- Scientist ‘D’: 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 as per 7th CPC, Age: Not exceeding 45 years
- Scientist ‘D’: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-12 as per 7th CPC, Age: Not exceeding 45 years
- Scientist ‘C’: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level -11 as per 7th CPC, Age: Not exceeding 40 years
Application Fee
Demand Draft of ₹1000/- for the post of Scientist-G and ₹500/- (₹500/- and ₹300/- respectively) drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favor of “Director, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune” payable at Pune.
How to apply for NCCS Scientist Vacancy 2020?
Application in the prescribed format duly filled in along with Demand Draft and self-attested
photocopies of all certificates should reach to the Director, National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, S. P. Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411007, Maharashtra, India within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News (published on 24/10/2020) i.e. by 23/11/2020.- See Also - More Government Jobs for Scientist
Details and Online Application Submission
Please visit for further information and complete details and application format for Scientist Vacancy Recruitment in NCCS 2020.