Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

ICAI Job Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Recruitment for Jobs Vacancies in ICAI 2021

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, a premier national Institute in the country, invites applications from professionally successful, academically strong and administratively capable human resources for the following regular positions in ICAI. SarkariNaukriBlog dot com

ICAI Job Recruitment 2021 Vacancies

  1. Joint Director: 01 vacancies, Compensation: Rs. 28 lakhs per annum approx., Experience: 15 years, Posting location: Mumbai
  2. Deputy Director: 01 vacancies, Compensation: Rs. 16 lakhs per annum approx., Experience: 12 years, Posting location: Mumbai
  3. Executive Officer: 05 vacancies, Experience: 05 years, Remuneration: Rs. 11.4 Lakh per annum, Posting location: Mumbai
  4. Section Officer: 05 vacancies, Experience: 05 years, Remuneration: Rs. 9.3 Lakh per year, Posting location: Mumbai
  5. Librarian (Gr. Assistant): 03 vacancies, Experience: 03 years, Remuneration: Rs. 8.8 Lakh per year, Posting location: CoE Jaipur/Kolkata office/Kanpur office

How to Apply for Job Vacancy Recruitment in ICAI 2021?

Interested candidates may email their structured application at or can send it through speed post to the Assistant Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan, I.P. Marg, New Delhi 110002, superscribing on the envelope ‘Application for the post of _______’ within 15 days from date of the release of this advertisement (Advertised on 08/04/2021 i,e. the last date is 22/04/2021).

Details and Application Format 

Please visit the 'Carrer in ICAI' link at  for details and the email link for Recruitment of Job Vacancy in ICAI 2021.

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