- Professor : 02 posts (Physiology-1, Pathology-1), MD/MS with 12 yrs of teaching experiene out of which 4 years as Assoc. Professor, Age : upto 63 years., Pay As per UGC Scales.
- Associate Professor : 09 posts (Physiology-1, Biochemistry-1, Forensic Medicine-1, Orthopeadics-1, Obs & Gynae-1, Anaesthesia-1, Dentistry-1, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation-1), MD/MS with 8 yrs of teaching experiene out of which 5 years as Asst. Professor, Age : upto 63 years., Pay As per UGC Scales.
- Assistant Professor : 04 posts (Anatomy-2, Physiology-1 (Biophysics), Biochemistry-1), MD/MS with 3 yrs of teaching experiene as Resident/ Registrar/ Tutor/ Demonstrator, Age : upto 63 years., Pay As per UGC Scales.
Emoouments : As per UGC Scales.
How to Apply : Apply to Dean, Army College of Medical Sciences, Near Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt.-110010 giving details of date of birth, academic qualification & teaching experience along with supporting documents by 16 April 2008.
Walk-In-interview : Candidates fulfilling qualifications as per MCI norms will be called to appear for interview on 23 April 2008 at the College.