Contract basis job vacancy in MEGA 2017

MEGA Gandhinagar Naukri  VacancyMetro - Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad  Company Limited (MEGA)  invites applications from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following categories of Non-Executive posts for operations & maintenance to be filled up on direct recruitment basis for a period of five years initially on contractual basis :

Vacancies :

  1. Station Controller/ Train Operator (SC/TO) : 283 posts, Age : 18-28 years, Pay Scale : ₹ 13500 - 25520
  2. Customer Relations Assistant (CRA) : 31 posts, Age : 18-28 years, Pay Scale : ₹ 10170 - 18500
  3. Junior Engineer : 99 posts, Age : 18-28 years, Pay Scale : ₹  13500-25520
  4. Maintainer : 193 posts, Age : 18-25 years, Pay Scale : ₹ 8000-14140

Application Fee :   

General / Un-Reserved (including Ex-servicemen), candidates are required to pay a  ₹  600/-  and SEBC/OBC candidates are required to pay ₹  300/- and SC/ST candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of ₹  150/-. All payment towards application fee to be made online. 

Naukri Vacancy  Metro - Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad  Company Limited (MEGA)

How to Apply : 

Apply Online at MEGA website from 30/03/2017 to 30/04/2017 only.

Details and Application Format :

Please visit for details and online application format.