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Commissioned Officer Recruitment in Indian Navy by INET June 2020 batch

Navy Recruitment for  Commissioned Officers by First INET

Indian Navy invites online applications in the prescribed format from unmarried man and women candidates for Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC) in various Branches/Entries in the Indian Navy through Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) for course commencing June 2020 at the Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala, Kerala.

As already declared by Indian Navy has introduced a computer-based examination called Indian Navy Entrance Test (Officers) INET (Officers) for recruitment of Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC) Officer candidates,  for all graduate. 

Now onward, no more separate recruitment advertisement for different commissioned officers recruitment in Indian Navy. Only single recruitment for all commissioned officer vacancies in a year.

Naukri Vacancy Recruitment Indian Navy

Navy Commissioned Officer (SSC/PC) Vacancies

  1. SSC Naval Armament Inspection Cadre (NAIC) : 08 vacancies for Men/Women, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 2001
  2. SSC ATC : 04 vacancies for Men/Women, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 1999
  3. SSC Observer : 06 vacancies for Men/Women, Age : Born between 2nd July 1996 and 01st January 2001
  4. SSC Pilot (MR) : 03 vacancies for Men/Women, Age : Born between 2nd July 1996 and 01st January 2001
  5. SSC Pilot (Other than MR) : 05 vacancies for Men, Age : Born between 2nd July 1996 and 01st January 2001
  6. SSC Logistics : 14 vacancies for Men/Women, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 2001
  7. SSC X (IT) : 15 vacancies for Men, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 2001
  8. SSC Engineering Branch (General Service (GS)) : 24 vacancies for Men, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 2001
  9. SSC Education Branch (General Service (GS)) : 24 vacancies for Men, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 2001
  10. PC Education : 18 vacancies for Men, Age : Born between 2nd July 1995 and 01st January 1999

Starting Pay Scale

Level 10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 56100-11070 (Earlier Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs. 5400 plus MSP Rs. 6000/-)

INET Examination September 2019

The recruitment for selection of commissioned officers through the Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) in the month of September 2019.

How to Apply for Navy Commission Officer through INET? 

Apply Online on prescribed format at Nausena Bharti Indian Navy Recruitment website from 18/05/2019 to 29/05/2019 only for Commissioned Officer Recruitment in Indian Navy by INET June 2020 batch.

Details and Application Submission

For further details about Commissioned Officer Recruitment in Indian Navy by INET June 2020 batch and apply online, kindly visit  at

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