Recruitment of Medical Officers, Analysts, and Advisor SBI
State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications in the prescribed form format from eligible Indian Citizens for an appointment and the recruitment to the following Specialist Officers sarkari naukri vacancy position of Bank Medical Officer, Manager Analyst and Advisor for Fraud Management Probationary Officers (PO) in State Bank of India (SBI) on regular/contract basis (Advt. No. CRPD/SCO/2019-20/07) :
Specialist Officer Vacancies in SBI
- Bank Medical Officer (BMO-II): 56 vacancies (UR-24, EWS-05, OBC-14, SC-09, ST-04) (PWD-03), Age: 35 years as on 31/03/2019, Pay Scale: MMGS-II Rs. 31705 - 45950
- Manager Analyst: 06 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-01) (PWD-01), Age: 27-35 years as on 30/04/2019, Pay Scale: MMGS-III Rs. 42020 - 51490
- Advisor for Fraud Management: 03 vacancies (UR-03) (PWD-01) on a contract basis, Age: 27-35 years as on 31/05/2019, Pay: Rs. 50000/- + Rs. 25000/- for Administrative charges per month
Application Fee
Rs. 750/- (Rs. 125/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online.
How to Apply for SBI Specialist Officer Vacancy?
Apply Online on the prescribed application form at SBI website from 21/05/2019 to 12/05/2019 only.
Details and Application Format
For more information and application format, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website