Recruitment of Constable Tradesman in CISF 2019
Online applications are invited from both male Indian citizens for filling up the following temporary 914 Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Constable Tradesman in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) 2019.
Government Jobs in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) |
CISF Constable Tradesman 019 Vacancies
- Constable Tradesman : 914 vacancies posts (Current-911, Backlog-3) in various trades, Pay Scale : Level-3 Rs. 21700 - 69100, Age: 18-23 years as on 01/08/2019, Qualification: Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board for skilled trades (i.e. Barber, Boot Maker, Cook, Carpenter, Electrician, Mason, Mali, Painter, Plumber and Washer Man). Industrial Training Institute trained personnel will be preferred. Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board for unskilled trades
- Const. / Cook : 350
- Const. / Cobbler : 13
- Const. / Barber : 109
- Const. / Washer-man : 133
- Const. / Carpenter : 14
- Const. / Sweeper : 270
- Const. / Painter : 06
- Const. / Mason : 05
- Const. / Plumber : 04
- Const. / Mali : 04
- Const. / Electrician : 03
- Const. / Cobbler: 01
- Const. / Barber : 02
Application Fee
A fee of Rs. 100/- for Gen/OBC candidates only to be paid online. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, women and Ex-servicemen are exempted from paying the fee.
How to Apply for CISF Constable Tradesman Vacancy 2019?
The application on the prescribed proforma as per format available on the CISF website should be sent to the concerned application receiving authorities (DIG of CISF in 8 regional offices) on or before 22/10/2019 (05:00 P.M) and in case of residents of North East region by 29/10/2019 (05:00 P.M.).
Details and application format
For further details and online application form format for CISF Constables Tradesman Vacancy Recruitment 2019, please visit