Recruitment of Assistant Professors in NIT Tiruchirappalli 2019
NIT Trichy invites online applications from Indian nationals possessing excellent academic record for the following 73 Teaching Faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy position of Assistant Professor Grade-II in various disciplines/subjects (Advt. No. NITT/R/F/2019/03 and NITT/R/F/2019/04).
The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) (Tamil Nadu) is an Institute of National Importance created under an Act of Parliament.
Vacancies of Assistant Professors in NIT Tiruchirappalli 2019
- Assistant Professor: 140 vacancies various subjects/disciplines in the Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC under Advt. no. 2019/03, Age: 35 years
- Assistant Professor: 07 vacancies in Architecture disciplines in the Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC under Advt. no. 2019/04
Subject/Disciplines where Assistant Professor Vacancy Exist
- Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Applications, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Energy and Environment, Humanities and Social Sciences, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Management Studies, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Physics, Production Engineering
Application Fee
For the candidates other than SC/ ST/ PwD/ Woman category: Rs. 1000/- per department and for SC/ ST category Rs.500 per department, for Woman/ PwD category: No fee is required. To be paid online.
How to Apply NIT Tiruchirappalli Assistant Professor Vacancy 2019?
Apply Online at NIT Trichy website from 10/11/2019 to 09/12/2019 only for Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Tiruchirappalli 2019. Print out of the system generated application should send to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli – 620015, Tamil Nadu by Speed / Registered post to reach on or before 16/12/2019 by 5.00 p.m. mentioning on the cover “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PROFESSOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF________"
Detailed Advertisement and Online Application format
For more details and online application format for Assistant Professor Vacancy Recruitment in NIT Tiruchirappalli 2019, please visit
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