Constable Tradesman Vacancy Recruitment in SSB 2020
Online Application on prescribed format are invited from Indian male citizens for filling up the following Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Constable Tradesman in various discipline in Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India 2020 (Advertisement No. 338/RC/SSB/Combined Advertisement/CTs/2020) SarkariNaukriBlog
SSB Constable Tradesman Vacancy 2020 - Table of Content
About SSB Constable Tradesman Recruitment 2020 Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) was created in 1963 with the sole objective of achieving ‘Total security preparedness’ in the remote border. SSB is conducting Constable Tradesman Recruitment 2020 of Driver, Laboratory Assistant, Veterinary, Ayah, Carpenter, Plumber, Painter, Trailor, Cobbler, Gardener, Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala, Water Carrier and Waiter in Group-C Non-Gazetted (Combatised) in SSB.
SSB Constable Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Constable (Tradesman): 1522 vacancies in various disciplines, Pay Scale: Level-3 ₹21700-69100 in 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix, Age: 18-21/23/25/27 years depending upon the discipline, Qualification: 10th / Matriculation or equivalent and required qualification (Certificate/Diploma) for a particular discipline.
- Constable (Driver) : 574 for male
- Constable (Laboratory Assistant) : 21
- Constable (Veterinary) : 161
- Constable (Aya) : 05 vacancies Female
- Constable (Carpenter) : 03
- Constable (Plumber) : 01
- Constable (Painter) : 12
- Constable (Tailor) : 20
- Constable (Cobbler) : 20
- Constable (Gardener) : 09
- Constable (Cook) : 232 Male
- Constable (Cook) : 26 Female
- Constable (Washerman): 92 Male
- Constable (Washerman): 28 Female
- Constable (Barber) : 75 Male
- Constable (Barber) : 12 Female
- Constable (Safaiwala) : 89 Male
- Constable (Safaiwala) : 28 Female
- Constable (Water Carrier): 101 Male
- Constable (Water Carrier): 12 Female
- Constable (Waiter): 01 Male
Application Fee
₹100/- to be paid by General and OBC candidates only (No fee by SC/ST/Ex.SM/Women candidates) to be paid through online mode only.
How to Apply SSB Constable Vacancy Recruitment 2020?
Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications in the prescribed proforma with attested passport size photographs duly affixed on the application form and admit card and duly completed in all respect within 30 days of publication in the 'Employment News' weekly (the last date is 37 days from the date of publication for the candidates from far-flung areas) (published on 29/08/2020, therefore, the last date is 27/09/2020 and the last date is 05/10/2020 for candidates from far-flung areas) to The Assistant Director (Sports), Force Hqr., Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), East Block-V, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066.