Recruitment of Faculty Vacancy in DBRANLU 2020
Applications in the prescribed online format are invited for the various Faculty Government Job Vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in on the regular basis of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University (DBRANLU), Sonepat (Haryana). (Advertisement No. 07/2020)
DBRANLU Mumbai Faculty Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Professor: 01 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-14 as notified by Haryana Government
- Associate Professor: 02 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-13A as notified by Haryana Government
- Assistant Professor: 06 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 as notified by Haryana Government
Application Fee
Candidates should apply in the prescribed format only. The application along with copies of the enclosures and the registration slip should reach the office of Registrar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Village Pallri, Bahalgarh-Meerut Road, S.B.I.T,
Sonepat (Haryana)-131001 on or before 17/09/2020 only. The name of the post must be mentioned on the top of the envelope.
How to Apply DBRANLU Sonepat Faculty Vacancy 2020?
₹1200/- to be paid online (50% for female candidates of Haryana and ₹300/- for SC/BC/EWS candidates, no fee for PWD and Ex.SM candidates only) Candidates should apply online in the prescribed format at the DBRANLU Sonepat website from 20/08/2020 to 10/09/2020 only.
The hard copy of the application along with copies of the enclosures and the registration slip should reach the office of Registrar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Village Pallri, Bahalgarh-Meerut Road, S.B.I.T, Sonepat (Haryana)-131001 on or before 17/09/2020 only. The name of the post must be mentioned on the top of the envelope.
Detailed Advertisement and Application format
For more details and application format for Faculty Vacancy Recruitment at DBRANLU Sonepat 2020, please visit
Note==> There is an increase in Faculty Government Jobs, view all
Note==> There is an increase in Faculty Government Jobs, view all