56th Men and 27th Women SSC Officer Technical Recruitment in Indian Army April-2021 entry
Online applications are invited from eligible unmarried Male/Female Engineering Graduates and also from Widows of Defence Personnel who died in harness for grant of 56th entry for Men and 27th entry for Women for Technical Short Service Commission (SSC) entry in the Indian Army.
The course will commence in April 2021 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Table of Content - Indian Army Technical SSC Officer Entry April-2021
Army 56th/27th Men/Women Technical SSC Officer Entry Details
56th/27th SSC Officer Technical Entry Vacancies
- Army SSC (Tech)-56 Men and SSCW (Tech.)-27: 189 vacancies (175 vacancies for male and 14 vacancies for Women) in various Engineering disciplines, Qualification: SSCW (Non-Tech) (Non-UPSC). Graduation in any Discipline. (ii) SSCW(Tech). BE/B Tech in any Engineering stream.
- For Widows of Defence Personnel Only: 02 vacancies (Women-2)
- For SSC (Tech)- 55 Men and SSCW (Tech.)- 26 Women.: 20 to 27 years as on 01 April 20201 (Candidates born between 02 April 1994 and 01 April 2001, both days inclusive). (ii) For widows of Defence Personnel who Died in Harness Only. SSCW (Non-Tech) [Non-UPSC] and SSCW (Tech) – A maximum of 35 years of age as on 01 April 2020.
Pay Scale & Stipend
A stipend of training is ₹56100/- during the training at OTA, Chennai for selected candidates. On completion, selected candidates will be commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of 7th CPC Pay Level-10 ₹56100-177500.
Method of Selection
Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will be interviewed at one of the Selection Centres viz. Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres through candidate’s registered e-mail id and SMS only.
Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of DG Rtg, IHQ of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard. Candidates will be put through two-stage selection procedure at the SSB. Those who clear Stage I will go to Stage II. Those who fail in Stage I will be returned on the same day. Duration of SSB interviews is five days, a.
Medical Examination
Candidates recommended by the SSB will go under Medical Examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers.
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How to Apply for Army 56th/27th Technical SSC Officer Entry 2021?
Apply Online on Recruitment proforma at Indian Army website http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in only from 14/10/2020 to 12/11/2020 for Army 56th/27th Technical Entry SSC Officer Entry 2021.
Details and Online Submission of Application
Furthermore, detail regarding 56th/27th Men/Women Technical Entry SSC Officer Vacancy entry scheme April 2021 in Indian Army and online application form can be seen at http://joinindianarmy.nic.in