View - Available Government Jobs in Bihar
₹600/- (₹150/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates of Bihar state) to be paid online.
Apply Online on the prescribed format at the Bihar PSC website from 21/10/2020 to 18/11/2020 only for the recruitment of posts of Auditors for the Bihar Panchayati Raj Department.
Please visit for detailed information, syllabus of recruitment examination for selection and online submission of application, etc. for Bihar PSC Auditor Panchayati Raj Department Recruitment 2020.
Bihar PSC Auditor Panchayati Raj Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Auditor: 373 vacancies, Pay Scale: Level-5 (Old Pay Scale - ₹5200-20200 Grade Pay ₹2800/-, Age: 21-37 years as of 01/08/2020, Qualification: Graduate Degree in Commerce, Economics, Statistics or Mathematics from any recognised university and MBA (Finance), CA, ICWA and CS degree holders are also eligible.
Application Fee
₹600/- (₹150/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates of Bihar state) to be paid online.
How to Apply for Auditor Recruitment 2020 by Bihar PSC?
Apply Online on the prescribed format at the Bihar PSC website from 21/10/2020 to 18/11/2020 only for the recruitment of posts of Auditors for the Bihar Panchayati Raj Department.
Details and Application Details
Please visit for detailed information, syllabus of recruitment examination for selection and online submission of application, etc. for Bihar PSC Auditor Panchayati Raj Department Recruitment 2020.