Non-Teaching Vacancy Recruitment in Gujarat Vidyapith 2020
Gujarat Vidyapith is looking for qualified, accomplished and committed Non-Teaching Staff who believe in institution building. Online application on prescribed format is invited from the eligible and suitable person for direct recruitment/deputation/tenure basis for various Group-A, Group-B and Group-C Employees category Government Job Vacancies on a regular basis through open competition on all India basis. (Advertisement No. 05/2020-21) SarkariNaukriBlog
Gujarat Vidyapith Non-Teaching Recruitment 2020 Vacancies
- Group-A
- Registrar : 01 vacancy
- Finance Officer: 01 vacancy
- Internal Audit Officer: 01 vacancies on deputation basis
- Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancy
- Group-B
- Section Officer: 03 vacancies
- Assistant: 03 vacancies
- Personal Assistant (Gujarati Stenography): 02 vacancies
- Warden: 01 vacancy
- Group-C
- Upper Division Clerk (UDC) : 02 vacancies
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 03 vacancies
Application Fee
₹400/- (₹200/- for SC/ST candidates, no fee for PwD candidates) to be paid online.
- View - Government Jobs in Gujarat