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ASRB combined NET ARS STO Recruitment 2021

ICAR Combined NET-ARS-STO 2019 Examination by ASRB

Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) for Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Pusa, New Delhi will hold a combined examination for NET-2021, ARS-2021 (Preliminary), and Senior Technical Officer (STO) (T6) Examination during 21/06/2021-27/06/2021 in Online computer-based mode.  (Advertisement No. 1(8)/2019-Exam.II) SarkariNaukriBlog dot com

Online applications in the prescribed format are invited by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) from Indian Citizens for ICAR NET Examination 2021 for Faculty Government Job vacancy of Lecturers/ Assistant Professor for Agriculture Research Service (ARS)-2021 (Preliminary) for Scientist Recruitment in and Senior Technical Officer (STO) (T6) Examination for Agriculture Universities in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and ICAR Research Institutes at various locations, 

About ASRB ICAR NET-ARS-STO Examination 2021

NET Examination 2021 is being conducted for being eligible for the positions of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in State Agricultural Universities / Agricultural Universities.

National Eligibility Test (NET) 2021 Examination is being conducted by ASRB for ICAR as a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for the position of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agriculture Universities (AUs).

Candidates clearing the National Eligibility Test will be eligible to apply for the post of Lecturers or Assistant Professors in the SAUs/AUs.

ARS 2021 examination is a regularly conducted Recruitment examination by ASRB for ICAR and its various institutes situated all over India.

Along with NET and ARS 2021, ASRB is conducting a Senior Technical Officer (STO) (T6) Recruitment Examination 2021 for the recruitment of Technical Officers in ICAR and its institutes.

These examinations are a good chance for getting Group-A Government Jobs of Faculty (Lecturer/Assistant Professors), Officers and Scientists in various scientific institutes and organisations in India.
ICAR ASRB combined NET ARS STO Recruitment 2021
ICAR ASRB combined NET ARS STO Recruitment 2021

ICAR NET ARS STO Examination 2021 details

  • ICAR NET 2021 Examination: Recruitment by  Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board ASRB Online Examination for  NET - 2021 (I)  from 21/06/2021 to 27/06/2021, Age: A candidate seeking to appear in ICAR-NET-2021 must have attained the age of 21 years and there is no upper age, Qualification:  for ICAR-NET-2021 Examination, a candidate must have a Master's degree or equivalent in the concerned subject.
  • Agriculture Research Service (ARS)-2021 :  222 vacancies (UR-100, EWS-21, OBC-51, SC-28, ST-22), Age:  21-32 years as of 01/01/2021, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10  ₹ 57700-182400), Qualification: Master’s Degree or equivalent in the concerned discipline with specialization as defined in detailed advertisement completed on or before 19/09/2021.
    • The number of attempts for appearing in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) examination will be limited to 6 for UR and EWS category candidates (whether M.Sc./Ph.D.) including the in-service candidates of I.C.A.R. However, no restriction for  SC/ST candidates. The number of attempts for OBC and PWD category candidates is 9.
  • STO (T-6) Examination is a direct recruitment examination for the post of Senior Technical Officer (STO) (T-6) at ICAR Hqrs and its Research Institutes:  65 vacancies, Age: 21-35 years as of 25/04/2021, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 - ₹56100-177500 of the 7th CPC

Application Fee 

₹1000/- for NET, ₹500/- for ARS and STO General category candidates, ₹500/- for General EWS and OBC candidates and ₹250/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates for NET only which can be made through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI payment.

As the candidates can exercise their option for being considered either for ARS or NET or STO or any combination of the three, the application fee shall be paid by the candidates depending upon the option they exercised.

How to Apply ICAR NET-ARS-STO 2021 Examination by ASRB?

Apply Online in the prescribed format for ICAR NET ARS STO 2021 Examination at the ASRB ICAR Recruitment website from 05/04/2021 to 25/04/2021 only.

Details and Application Format

Please visit the Vacancy section at the ASRB website at for complete details and more information,  as well as a link to the online application for ICAR combined NET-ARS-STO 2021 Examination by ASRB for ICAR Institutes. Published for 

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